
Photo of Antonio

I am Antonio Tapiador del Dujo, a researcher and developer from Madrid, Spain.

I started to be interested in FLOSS (Free/Libre/OpenSource) software when I started my degree as Telecommunication Engineer, along with my involvement in social movements and music bands.

I became very aware of the transformation the internet was bringing to the culture industries, software first, music next and now it is finally reaching to other aspects of human activities, such as accommodation or transportation. I was an active promoter of free culture licenses, with my fellows in the musicians collective Ruido de Barrio and bringing the internet culture to people through hacklabs in social centers in Spain.

My final Telecommunication Engineer project was about IPv6 multihoming. I was very interested in seeing how internet standadization worked, and who controlled it. I participated in some IETF working groups to confirm how their philosophy was quite similar to other social movements. I like very much their quote: We reject: kings, presidents and voting. We believe in: rough consensus and running code.

After checking how the base of the internet worked, I switched to the application level. I was motivated to delivering real value to users. I was active in the Rails community, publishing several gems and contributing to the core. Besides, I was dazzled by scale-free networks, how they emerged everywhere, from proteins to the internet itself. I could see scale-free networks in multiple social contexts, from social movements to the workplace. In the context of the boom of social network sites, I developed my Ph.D thesis on a Rails gem to build any kind of social network in the web. I was proud the outcome of this thesis was not only theoretical, but several social sites around the world were build on top of Social Stream.

However, I was not able to build successful final apps to users. I enrolled a course on Business Design and Lean Startup to learn how to deliver real value to users. I practiced these skills in the P2Pvalue project, where we learned a lot about Common Based Peer Production Communities. It was a natural step in my path, I was able to apply concepts from social networks and social movements, and we learned a lot about how these communities work.

Afterwards, tired of academy and its publication dictate, I moved to the private sector to explore other scenarios where I could deliver more value to users and do practical stuff.

I joined ideas4all Innovation where I worked in product development. As lead software developer, I empowered junior developers to follow good patterns, leveraging my teaching skills. I also put in practice lean development principles, not only in the product, but also in internal tools, keeping developer happiness in mind. I applied my machine learning knowledge to a real world problem, developing a deep learning model for production.


I started to participate in European research projects before finishing my graduation as Telecommunication Engineer. working in the Euro6IX in the problem of IPv6 multihoming. It was my first European funded project, where I started to work in an international environment.

After the graduation, I worked in the iCamp project, with started to track decentralization issues. It was a very interesting project with a multi-disciplinar environment, a great collaboration spirit beyond national boundaries, and one of the first EU research projects commited to publish their results under a free / open source license.

My enthusiasm for the Web 2.0 was upgraded with the advenement of social network sites, which made me learn about scale-free networks. I started to study digital identity and distributed social software. I was involved in the GLOBAL project and the GLOBAL excursion where I worked in the backend, developing what will become the result of my Ph.D thesis. After a 3 month stay in Leuven, collaborating with the SPION project, I finished my Ph.D thesis, which mixed all these ingredients in a framework for building distributed social network websites, with Social Stream a product used by several sites around the world.

Antonio's presentation

I also participated in the FIWARE project, one of the biggest research projects in the EU, where I developed the first release of the Identity Manager, a Google Accounts open source version providing with OAuth2 server support. Besides, in the FI-CONTENT project, I ran successful social network decentralization experiments.

Finally, I joined the Complutense University of Madrid to work on the P2Pvalue project, where I applied my knowledge of free-scale networks and lot of experiences I learned from social movements. Following a lean development approach, we developed Teem, a tool for Common Based Peer Production Communities, and learned a lot about the internal dynamics of these communities.


Techno-social platform for sustainable models and value generation in commons-based peer production in the Future Internet



Future Internet Core Platform, included in the Future Internet Public-Private Partnership (FI-PPP)



FI-CONTENT, included in the Future Internet Public-Private Partnership (FI-PPP)


Global Excursion

Extended Curriculum for Science Infrastructure Online



Privacy and Security in Online Social Networks. During research visit at KU Leuven


Global Linkage Over BroadbAnd Links



Innovative, inclusive, interactive, intercultural learning Campus



European IPv6 Internet Exchanges Backbone

  • Antonio Tapiador. A framework for building distributed social network websites . Ph.D Thesis. 2013.
  • Antonio Tapiador, Diego Carrera, Joaquín Salvachúa. Social Stream, a social network framework . Proceedings of International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technology (FGCT 2012). London, England. pp. 52-57. ISBN: 978-1-4673-5859-0.
  • Antonio Tapiador, Diego Carrera. A survey on social network site's functional features. Proceedings of IADIS WWW/Internet 2012. Madrid, Spain. pp. 133-140. ISBN: 978-989-8533-09-8 Preprint
  • Alicia Díez, Antonio Tapiador. Social Cheesecake: An UX-driven designed interface for managing contacts. Proceedings of IADIS WWW/Internet 2012. Madrid, Spain. pp. 526-528. ISBN: 978-989-8533-09-8 Preprint
  • Antonio Tapiador, Víctor Sánchez, Joaquín Salvachúa. An analysis of social network connect services. Proceedings of WEBIST 2012. Porto, Portugal. pp. 255-258. ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2. Preprint
  • Antonio Tapiador, Antonio Mendo. A survey on OpenID identifiers . 7th International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices 2011. Salamanca. Spain. pp. 357-362. ISBN: 978-1-4577-1126-8
  • Antonio Tapiador, Joaquín Salvachúa. Content Management in Ruby on Rails . Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Collaborative Technologies 2011. Rome. Italy. ISBN: 978-989-8533-00-5
  • Víctor Sánchez, Antonio Tapiador. Social network federation with Social Stream and Social2social . Federated Social Web Europe 2011, Berlin, Germany.
  • Antonio Tapiador, Diego Carrera, Joaquín Salvachúa. Tie-RBAC: an application of RBAC to Social Networks . Web 2.0 Security and Privacy 2011. Oakland, USA. Slides
  • Enrique Barra, Antonio Mendo, Antonio Tapiador, David Prieto. Integral solution for web conferencing event management . Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Society 2011. Ávila, Spain. pp. 443-446. ISBN: 978-972-8939-46-5 Slides
  • Antonio Tapiador, Antonio Fumero, Joaquín Salvachúa, Extended Identity for Social Networks , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011, Volume 6045/2011, pp. 162-168. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16581-8_17
  • Enrique Barra, Antonio Mendo, David Prieto, Antonio Tapiador, Juan Quemada, Resource Relationships in the design of collaborative Web applications , Proceedings of IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Freiburg, Germany, July 2010. ISBN: 978-972-8939-21-2
  • Antonio Tapiador, Antonio Fumero, Joaquín Salvachúa, Javier Cerviño. Identidad Extendida en Redes Sociales . VII Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática JITEL 2008, Proceedings, Alcala de Henares - España. Septiembre 2008
  • Fridolin Wild, Steinn E. Sigurðarson, Stefan Sobernig, Christina Stahl, Ahmet Soylu, Vahur Rebas, Dariusz Górka, Anna Danielewska-Tulecka, Antonio Tapiador. An Interoperability Infrastructure for Distributed Feed Networks Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Collaborative Open Environments for Project-Centered Learning, COOPER-2007, Sissi, Lassithi - Crete Greece, 17 September, 2007. ISBN: 1613-0073
  • Antonio Tapiador, Antonio Fumero Joaquín Salvachúa, Sandra Aguirre. A Web Collaboration Architecture . Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. November, 2006. ISBN: 1-4244-0429-0
  • Sandra Aguirre, Joaquín Salvachúa, Juan Quemada, Antonio Fumero, Antonio Tapiador. Joint Degrees in E-Learning Systems: A Web Services Approach. Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. November, 2006. ISBN: 1-4244-0429-0
  • Sandra Aguirre, Joaquín Salvachúa, Juan Quemada, Antonio Fumero, Antonio Tapiador. Desarrollo de Titulaciones Conjuntas en los Sistemas de E-Learning. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Computers in Education. León, Spain. October, 2006.
  • Antonio Fumero, Sandra Aguirre, Antonio Tapiador, Joaquín Salvachúa. Next-Generation Educational Web. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising ICE2006 - Poster. Milan, Italy. June, 2006.
  • Joaquín Salvachúa, Sandra Aguirre, Antonio Fumero, Antonio Tapiador, Alberto Mozo, Juan Quemada ¿Como puede ser el E-learning 2.0?. I Jornadas de Innovación Educativa. Zamora, España. June, 2006
  • Carlos Barcenilla, Antonio Tapiador, David Fernández, Omar Walid, Tomás de Miguel. Implementation of an IPv6 Multihoming Ingress Filtering Compatibility Mechanism Using Automatic Tunnels EUNICE 2005: Networks and Applications Towards a Ubiquitously Connected World. IFIP International Workshop on Networked Applications, Colmenarejo, Madrid/Spain, 6–8 July, 2005. pp. 59-73. ISBN: 978-0-387-30815-9
  • Antonio Tapiador, Tomás de Miguel, María J. Perea, Omar Walid, Marco Hernández, David Fernández. A simple host centric solution for a network research multihoming environment . Eunice 2004. Proceedings of 10th Open European Summer School and IFIP WG 6.3 Workshop, June 14-16, 2004. Tampere, Finland. pp. 49-52. ISBN: 952-15-1187-7
You can check my reviews at my publons profile.


Despite a carrer initially focused on academia, I have been a very practical researcher with a strong focus in system administration and development.

From year 2000, when I installed Debian Potato from scratch, I have been using Debian as my working OS.

I started my contributions to FLOSS submitting patches to a IPv6 stack of the Linux kernel. They were part of my final project as Telecommunication Engineer.

Afterwards, I changed my interests from the network to the application level, developing my skills in web development and Sysop. I worked in the backend of several web apps, including the Virtual Conference Center (VCC), a site for managing video-conferences, and the Virtual Science Hub (ViSH), an open source e-Learning platform, both written in Ruby on Rails.

I have been maintaining the servers of La Piluka, a grassroot social and cultural center. It has had a frenetic activity of projects with many technological needs, from webpages, personal mails, mailing lists.. to physical connectivity facilities. Hacklabs have been great place to learn, both technically and ethically.

I have been quite active in the Rails community, contributing to Rails and publishing up to 28 Ruby gems. My main contribution was Social Stream, a framework for building distributed social network websites that was developed as part of my Ph.D and was used by several websites around the world, including the ViSH.

Besides, I developed the first version of the FIWARE's Identity Manager, OAuth2 account server, and experimented with social network decentralization protocols in FI-CONTENT.

After that, I worked in the P2Pvalue project setting the infraestructure of virtual machines and continous delivery, and front-developing Teem, a tool for collaboration in communities, build on top of AngularJS and SwellRT.

In my stage in the private sector, I was able to get back to Rails development, happy to use Ruby again. I led best practices and code maintainability in the main Ruby on Rails application with 70k+ lines of code, achieving A scores in testing coverage and code maintainability. I rearranged the Ansible codebase, introducing many design thinking approaches in DevOps / system administration tasks, for my joy and my workmates'. I implemented a deep learning algorithm for prediction of innovation ideas for IBEX 35 companies, using tabular data and NLP, with Python, pandasand As personal project inside the company, I developed a Atom editor package for supporting our developing workflow in React, using Trello, Github GraphQL and Slack APIs

I have been lucky to mentor awesome people who have accomplished very nice projects, such as Eduardo Casanova's Mailboxer gem, which is still used and maintained by an active community, Prastut Kumar's GSOC 2016 project, or Alberto Miedes's contribution to Consul, the Madrid's leading Open Government and E-Participation Web Software.

My side projects include Circular Work, a tool for distributing community recursive tasks, made on top of Rails and Ember.js, and Song Pot, an app for the creative process of music bands, made with Meteor and Angular (2)

Recently, I have been quite active in the home automation field, implementing several projects, including thermostat and thermometer integration, roller shutter controlling, and many more.

You can always check my blog and my github account to find my last development activity.